“To turn the Government Schools of India in to model schools in terms of infrastructure, quality of education, health, hygiene and sports”
A. Broad Objectives of the Programme:1. To adopt some of the Government Schools in India that are in dire need of financial and maintenance assistance.
2. To make Government Schools attractive for all children and parents belonging to the community around the school, so that all children under the age of 14 within the community are enrolled in these schools.

B. Implementation Model:
C.R.I. has so far worked towards the development of many Govt. and Tribal Schools, in the last 15 years and benefited over 30000 students. A memorandum of understanding was executed between CRI and Department of Education, wherever possible.
C.R.I. in partnership with their distributors spread across India, have initiated a program for the adoption of 100 needy Govt schools across all the states of India which will be completed in the coming years. Under this program , over one lakh students will be greatly benefited.
The activities under the program include the below.
1) School improvement work is done in phases. Initially the more fundamental and basic needs of toilets, and clean drinking water are addressed
2) To ensure all round development of children we provide the required educational aids, sports material, health aids, personality development training, soft skills training, etc
3) The above school improvement work is carried out with the full involvement of students, teachers, parents and the community
4) Every activity carried out was in synchronization with the policies, schemes and programmes of the State and Central Governments and the concerned Governmental agencies.
5) All activities were carried out in accordance with established “best practice” methods, systems and procedures.
6) Infrastructure: Construction of additional classrooms and laboratories based on actual requirements and the creation of classroom for slow learners. The activity also ensures the availability of clean drinking water on a continuous basis and the maintenance of hygienic toilets.
7) Teaching aids: In addition to the availability of Government Teachers, C.R.I also engage required teachers to maintain the teacher-student ratio of 1:30. These teachers engaged by CRI will also take the additional responsibility of coaching identified slow learners from standards 1 to 5. C.R.I. also focuses its efforts on establishment of SMART classes, computer labs, providing notebooks, writing materials and bags for needy students.
8) Scholarships: C.R.I. also extends an educational scholarship scheme “Shiksha” for meritorious students to pursue higher studies.
9) Health, Hygiene and Sports: C.R.I. engages Security personnel and scavengers for providing security, cleanliness and hygiene in schools. Health camps, yoga and Meditation class for school children are regularly carried out. Napkin incinerators are provided in all the schools to ensure menstrual hygiene among girl students. C.R.I. provides sports equipment’s and materials and periodically organizes Sports day /Annual day in schools.
In addition to various CSR activities at the adopted Government Schools, C.R.I. in association with Corporation Hr.Sec School Alumni Association has carried out a major project at the Siddhapudur Government Higher Secondary School, Coimbatore . An exclusive state-of-the-art multipurpose auditorium with all sophisticated audio visual facilities was also built. The auditorium can also be used as an indoor sports stadium and can accommodate 500 participants.

1.All the Schools have been provided with continuous clean drinking water facility and separate toilets for boy and girls. This had a significant impact in reducing infections and illness among the students and the absenteeism level among students has come down from 34% to 1%.
2.Girls students are given free sanitary napkin pads and their toilet has been provided with Napkin incinerator facility to ensure menstrual hygiene among girl students. This initiative has resulted in a lower prevalence of absenteeism among girl students.
3.We have supported in construction of additional classrooms , compound walls and renovated the play area and provided other infrastructure requirements for Noon meal Kitchen, Lab and Library from time to time.
With the new facilities made available, the environment of the school has drastically improved and students are showing keen interest in their studies. Further, it has created a positive frame of mind amongst the teachers too.
4.In addition to the availability of Government Teachers, C.R.I had engaged required teachers to maintain the teacher-student ratio of 1:30. These teachers engaged by CRI take the additional responsibility of coaching identified slow learners from standards 1 to 5 and provide necessary counseling to students and parents.
This initiative has resulted in reducing the drop out rate of students from 34% to 1% and also substantial improvement in the quality of education imparted.
5.NEW ENROLLMENT : New enrollment of students was 4% and now after our interventions, new enrollment of students, is 24% which is supposed to be the highest in this district .
6.PASS PERCENTAGE : Earlier, the pass percentage was 45% and now the Pass percentage is 95% in S.S.L.C and H.S.C Exams which is a significant improvement in pass percentage.
7.SMART CLASS: we have initiated SMART CLASS in all our schools and we are first one to introduce ROBOTIC class in Govt.School in the entire district.

8.HONEST STORE : We had launched Honest store in all schools which has a developed attributes like integrity , truthfulness and straightforwardness among students

9.We have organized class on Personality development, Yoga, Karate, Value Education, Health & Hygiene through instructor engaged by us .
This has brought in a drastic change in the emotional and social development of students such as understanding, expressing and managing emotions and behavior with other people. Students participating in the extracurricular activities was hardly 5% before our interventions and now it is 45% and also there had been tremendous improvement in their confidence level
10.SUMMER CAMPS , ANNUAL /SPORTS DAY :We organize Summer camp, Annual and Sports day celebration to bring out the inherent talent among students and also to honor them for excelling in Education, sports and Extra curricular activities.
“Panchayat Union Elementary School, Saravanampatti”, which is one of C.R.I’s adopted schools has been awarded the prestigious “Swachh Vidyalaya Puraskar – 2018” out of the 3150 private and Govt. schools in Coimbatore district for the excellence in upkeep of drinking water facility, sanitation and hygiene practice in school.
This school also has been nominated for the Coimbatore District’s BEST SCHOOL AWARD from the Govt. of Tamilnadu by the Education department.

C.R.I’ s CSR programs have a inbuilt sustainability component in it
1.In all school interventions, to ensure sustainability , partnering is done with ,NGOs , Alumni Associations, Social clubs, Parents associations, local donors, influential people of the locality etc…
2.We take a back seat in various functions and programmes organized by us and we give due credit to the local people, PTA, Alumni Associations for their contribution and honor them in the center stage , so that they get interested in the development activities of the school and which will help in the sustenance of this program.
3.Employee involvement : We directly involve our employees in all our CSR programs like educational initiatives, cleanings drive and other interventions regularly. This ensures sustainability of CSR initiatives and also it brings in a commitment to CSR through out the organization.
As part of its unique CSR initiative, C.R.I. has adopted Corporation Ward No.28 at Saravanampatti in association with the Coimbatore City Municipal Corporation to make it a model ward in the area of general sanitation and solid waste management and successfully emulate the model in other wards.

A. BROAD OBJECTIVE OF THE PROGRAMME: The primary objective of this initiative is to create a model Swachh Ward by making it an open defecation free, open dumping free and open littering free ward and also implementing the following
B. IMPLEMENTATION MODEL: A Memorandum of Understanding has been executed between C.R.I and the Coimbatore City Municipal Corporation for the Ward adoption programme to ensure that the below mentioned activities are implemented.
1. Provided 25 no’s segregation enabled push carts
2. Safety gadgets and uniform 50 sets provided to push cart workers
3. Entire ward as been distributed in to 11 clusters
4. New route map for push cart segregation has been evolved
5. Mass cleaning drive involving Resident welfare association was organized
6. Awareness drive on segregation of waste was organized in all the clusters
1. 90% door to door collection of waste has been implemented in this ward
2. 75% of the households segregate the waste themselves
3. 75% of resource recovery
4. Considerable reduction of litter hot spots and an overall improvement in
general sanitation
5. 30% increase in income for workers through incentives, having a direct
impact on their standard of life
6. Improved outlook of the workers
7. Change in the waste disposal behavior of the citizens
8. Considerable Improvement in public health
C.R.I, in association with the Coimbatore City Municipal Corporation, has successfully constructed 300 individual toilets for needy homes. For the open defecation free initiative, C.R.I. has extensively surveyed households and open defecation spots. Those who cannot afford to build a toilet due to poor economic conditions or lack of social awareness have been identified. Based on the findings C.R.I. has constructed 300 individual Swachh Bharath Mission toilets in the area of Saravanampatti and Chinnavedampatti.
We shall strive to make water available to all people of India for their basic necessity of health and hygiene especially where water depletes
C.R.I, being a major player in the water industry, has realized the significance of saving water for the future. This positive societal change resulted in C.R.I.’s implementation of Rain Water Harvesting.
The imminent need of improving the underground water level enabled C.R.I. to
Create nationwide awareness programme among public about the necessity for adopting measures to replenish water in its natural storage’s, prevent water pollution and water wastage through its extensive dealer network, and contacts across India.
All its pumps which are shipped out from its Mfg units carry Rainwater Harvesting (RWH) manual in it and yearly they reach out to over 15 lakh people in creating awareness on RWH.
It supports in construction of Rainwater harvesting structures across India through its dealer network.
India is a land of farmers. This is the community that has given so much to our society. And any amount of giving back can never equal their sacrifice. Today, it is imperative that we contribute in some way to help conserve our nation’s greatest asset – Food through Agriculture. Taking this into account, C.R.I has partnered with various Agricultural Universities across the country by signing an MOU to discover potential and innovative possibilities endorsed by farmers across various states of the country.
C.R.I. Pumps Award has been instituted in the various states to honor five of the best farmers in the concerned state. This award recognizes those farmers who go a step above just farming and are committed to innovative practices in Agriculture.

B. IMPLEMENTATION MODEL: C.R.I pumps has instituted an endowment in the name of C.R.I in various Agricultural Universities by entering in to a formal MOU. Every year, from the interest accrued from the endowment cash award are presented. The concerned agricultural university selects the Best Farmers at State level based on the eligibility norms laid by the University in various category like Organic farming, Dry land agriculture and Utilization of farm mechanization etc.
1. The best farming practices were disseminated to thousands of farmers in the state of Tamilnadu, Karnataka, Telengana, Andhra and Punjab
2. C.R.I Pumps Best Farmer Award has become one of the most cherished awards in the country in the field of Agriculture.
3. Till now, 118 farmers have been bestowed with the prestigious Best Farmer Award across India in association with various Agricultural Universities.
Not stopping with just recognizing the efforts of farmers across the country, C.R.I. plans to scale the initiative with the addition of extension education programmes for farmers to enrich the farming knowledge by 2020, and continued henceforth.
C.R.I. has always found its delight in promoting sports activities across the nation. In Coimbatore, C.R.I is a major patron in encouraging the active participation of women in sports by organizing ‘C.R.I Trophy – All India Women’s Basket Ball tournament” every year since 2002. Teams across India and over 250 basketball players participate in this prestigious event.

Thousands of students in rural India are deprived of the benefits of modern technology, simply because they cannot afford and access to it and also miss the benefits of computer education, a vital skill to shape their future.
Taking the above in to consideration C.R.I in association with Datta Guru Bhandara Trust has initiated a Digital classroom and a full-fledged computer laboratory for poor students in the name of “SAI RURAL CREATIVITY CENTER” at Ganagapur a small village near Gulbarga district of Karnataka at south India.

Taking in to consideration the unmet needs of the “Thirukannankudi” a small village 14kms away from Nagapattinam, we have established a Digital classroom and a full-fledged Computer center in the name of C.R.I SAROJINI CREATIVITY CENTER at the newly built C.R.I Sarojini Mandapam by Shri.K.Gopal, Memorial Trust . This Mandapam can be utilized by the local community at a very nominal cost for Marriages, Reception and other family functions.

To ensure environment sustainability , ecological balance , agro forestry, conservation of natural resources C.R.I in association with Coimbatore Corporation and leading NGO’s like RAAC has organized cleaning drives, awareness programmes and Marathon.
Our South African ladies staff Team had provided 750 sanitary pads to the orphaned/ abused/ young girls in 2 Children’s home in Actonville outskirts of Johannesburg and around 50 young girls were benefitted. These homes are run with the help of voluntary workers and they rely on donations of any kind

C.R.I pumps in association with C.R.I Charitable trust with as part of its CSR initiative and with a mission to provide quality healthcare at an subsidized cost has inaugurated C.R.I Trust Healthcare a state-of-the-art medical center at Saravanampatti, Coimbatore.
1. The centre provides Hi-tech and quality Medical service at low prices and has greatly benefitted the deserving and downtrodden.

2. To cater to a wider spectrum of patients, doctors from many specializations like

1. The project has now completed 11 months and till date has offered treatment to over 80,000 patients.
2. Opening of the Government of India’s Pradhan Mantri Jan Aushadhi Kendra is benefitting over thousands of poor people in the surrounding areas. Quality medicines is now available to all of them at minimal cost

3. Based on a growing demand from the public, we have rolled out an effective and cost efficient Master Health Check-up (MHC) package which starts from Rs.1,700/-. It is available on prior registration and on a first come first serve basis.

1. Based on the overwhelming response from public, we are expanding the floor space and also are adding new specialties based on the growing need. The center will soon be adding C.T scan, dialysis and blood bank services.
2. We envisage a general hospital with in-patient & surgical facilities in the near future. This hospital will function on a non-profit basis for the benefit of people who cannot afford expensive healthcare.
The constant and continued efforts to understand the vital needs of the nearby community led C.RI to construct a biomass Gasifier crematorium in the name of “ MOKSHA GRIHA” at Saravanampatti, Coimbatore in remembrance of our founder Shri.K.Gopal in the year 2010. The construction was carried out by Shri.K.Gopal Memorial trust and handed over the Crematorium to Coimbatore Corporation and the entire running cost and maintenance is borne by us. This is an eco friendly bio-mass crematorium where wood is the renewable energy used as fuel.

1) This is the only ISO certified (ISO 9001: 2008) crematorium in India
2) Moksha Griha has been awarded the most prestigious Platinum rated IGBC (India Green Building Council) award. It is the first crematorium to be certified under the Green Landscape rating in India.
3) It is the winner of most acclaimed national level HUDCO DESIGN AWARDS 2014 under the category “Landscape planning and Design.”
1. CSR AWARD from the Govt. of Tamilnadu for our CSR initiatives
2. CSR EXCELLENCE AWARD – from Karunya University, Coimbatore for our contribution in driving a social change in India through our unique CSR initiatives.
3. SWACHH BHARATH MISSION RECOGNITION: award for outstanding commitment to community service and valuable contribution towards construction of Swachh Barat individual household toilets.
4. Our CSR initiatives have been recognized by CII ( Confederation of India Industry) in the book “ CSR IN PRACTICE AND ASHRITHA “
5. GUINNESS WORLD RECORD – for being a part in the largest recycling lesson on Solid Waste Management.
6. PLATINUM RATED IGBC AWARD – our Gasified crematorium has been awarded the most prestigious Platinum rated IGBC (India Green Building Council) award.
7. REAL HEROES AWARD – For our contribution in the flood relief activity at Cuddalore & Chennai.
C.R.I Charitable trust in association with C.R.I pumps as part of its CSR initiative and with a mission to provide quality healthcare at an affordable cost has inaugurated C.R.I Trust Healthcare a state-of-the-art medical centre at Saravanampatti, Coimbatore.
The project has now completed 5 months and till date has offered treatment to over 27,000 patients.
The center has provided Hi-tech and quality Medical service at low prices and this has greatly benefited the deserving and downtrodden
To cater to a wider spectrum of patients, doctors from many specializations like Cardiology, Gynecology, Pediatrics, Physiotherapy, Dermatology, Ophthalmology, ENT, Urology and dentistry, have been enrolled
The diagnostics department is equipped with state-of-the-art X-ray, OPG, ECG, TMT, ECHO & lab services. Center has the latest Ultrasound scan & Doppler machine with qualified Radiologist and full time experienced radiology technicians offering quality services
An optical center within the building caters to all eye wear requirements of patients.
All the above services are made available to the needy on “not for profit basis”
There is a 24-hour pharmacy to take care of all the medicinal requirements of patients.
Opening of the government of India’s Pradhan Mantri Jan Aushadhi Kendra is expected to benefit the poor people in the surrounding areas. Quality medicines will now be available to all of them at minimal cost.
Based on a growing demand from the public CRI Healthcare has rolled out an effective and cost-efficient Master Health Checkup (MHC) package which starts from Rs.1,700/-. It is available on prior registration and on a first come first serve basis.
The centre will soon be adding C.T scan, dialysis and blood bank services.
CRI HealthCare envisage a general hospital with in-patient & surgical facilities in the near future. This hospital will function on a non-profit basis for the benefit of people who cannot afford expensive healthcare.
Please make use of the C.R.I Trust Healthcare facilities, Master Health Checkup Packages and also share the availability of these services with your family members, relatives and friends
As part of our unique CSR intervention in schools, CRI inaugurated a STEM LAB (Science Technology Electronic & Maths) on 3rd March 2018 at Govt High School Saravanampatti which is one of our adopted school under the School improvement programme of Govt of Tamilnadu in association with Round Table, ladies Circle India & Big Bodhi at a cost outlay of Rs.3 lakh. STEM lab is equipped with latest Robotic equipment’s which actively focusses on student- centered learning environment as it enhances the understanding of Technology & design.
We are to convey that Govt High School, Saravanampatti is the only Govt School in Coimbatore district to have a STEM lab for students. Apart from providing the required infrastructure & equipment’s, we have also appointed a fulltime teacher to train students in robotics in a systematic way.
In India by 2020, 6 of 10 jobs will be related to STEM and our STEM lab will give opportunity to Govt School students to increase their problem solving ability, logical and critical thinking skills and helps develop solutions for challenges and real world problems.
C.R.I as part of its Corporate Social Responsibility has instituted an endowment at Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore (TNAU) and every year from the interest accrued from the endowment we in association with TNAU present the prestigious “Velanmai Chemmal Award” to 5 Outstanding Farmers in Tamil Nadu who go above and beyond in their commitment with innovative and best practices in agriculture.
This year “Velanmai Chemmal Award” were bestowed to the 5 winning farmers at the Farmers day programme on 10th February 2018 at TNAU campus by Shri.R.Duraikannu, Minister of Agriculture, Shri.S.P.Velumani, Minister for Municipal Administration & Rural development, Dr.K.Ramasamy, Vice Chancellor, Tamilnadu Agricultural University, Shri.T.N.Hariharan, I.A.S, District Collector, Coimbatore, Shri.Gagan Singh Bedi, I.A.S Commissioner – Agricultural production & Principal secretary to Govt and Shri.R.Boopathy our Vice President- Mktg in the presence of dignitaries from TNAU and Govt of Tamilnadu. Thousands of farmers across Tamilnadu participated in this programme.
“Velanmai Chemmal Award” presented by C.R.I Pumps carries a Cash Award, Memento and a certificate which were given to the 5 best Farmers who have innovated and developed best agricultural practices in Tamilnadu.
CRI implemented a unique project for the farming community at Karehalli village in the Shimoga district of Karnataka. Please find below a brief report on the same.
About Karehalli village:
This is a small village located in the Soraba Tehsil of Shimoga district in Karnataka. It is situated 7Kms away from the Sub-district headquarter of Sorabha and 27km away from district headquarter of Shimoga. This is a gram Panchayat having a population of around 2300 people. The total geographical area of the village is 405 hectares. This is an agricultural based village and most of them are farmers . Paddy is the principal crop extensively cultivated and the other Crops are Sugarcane, Banana, Coconut etc.
Poor onset of monsoon lead to crop failures:
Due to poor onset of monsoon & rain, for the last 2 years there had been continuous crop failures and farmers of this village were in pathetic condition and were finding it hard to pull on with their day to day life . Even the big pond in the village, which was a good water source at one stage became dry..
CSR initiative :
To address this crisis situation, in order to improve ground water level and to meet day to day utility requirement of villagers, the Gram Sabha decided to pump water from the nearby River Varada and store it in the lake amidst the village. It needed funds and with some local donors like Dr.Viswanath Nadiger & Mr.Ramdas Kamat, they were able to mobilize some funds and still they were short of funds.. at this time through Mr.C.H.Nadiger, Regional Director – EEPC, Govt of India, who is a native of this village, approached our management through our exports team to provide them necessary Pump set and pipe lines through our CSR arm.
Shri.G.Soundararajan, our Vice Chairman, ascertaining the crisis situation of the poor farmers immediately approved this community development project under CSR grant. Our Hubli team then, sprung in to action, they installed our High capacity submersible pump sets to pump water from Varada river and also laid our RPVC pipelines to bring water to the lake in the village. It was a challenging task for our team as the pipelines for a distance of approx 2.5 kms was a sloppy road with ups and down…with sheer expertise and competence, we were able to complete this project at the shortest possible time .
Through this initiative, daily 3 lakh litres of water is pumped from the “Varada” river and supplied to the lake in the village…based on the need of farmers the water is sent to the farm land through existing pipelines in the lake and the whole distribution of water among farmers is monitored by a committee of members appointed by the villagers & the Gram Panchayat.
Dedication of the project to the Village:
This community project was dedicated to the villagers on 24th December 2017 at a function organized by the villagers at Karehalli… Mr.Nagesh Joshi, our Branch Manager – Hubli & Mr.S.Raja, from our CSR team attended the dedication programme . This event was attended by elected members of the Panchayat, Govt officials and a large gathering of villagers of Karehalli and nearby villages.
Mr.C.H.Nadiger, Regional Director – Engineering Export Promotion Council (EEPC), Govt of India, thanked our Vice Chairman and the C.R.I management for supporting this community project which will benefit thousands of farmers in the village to bring back their livelihood. He also requested us to consider providing regular maintenance of this project to make it sustainable in the long run.
Dr.Abdul Rawuf, one of the famous & leading Agriculturist in the state of Karnataka, during his address lauded the efforts taken by our management in this project and told that he was amazed by the water discharge from our pumps and also the technical expertise through which we had laid down the 2.5km pipe line to bring water to the lake from river..
Dr.Mahanth Swamiji, of Samasthan Matt, Jade, blessed our team and during his address, he appreciated the joint effort of the villagers, individual donors and corporate like us which has made way to a novel project which will benefit thousands of farmers in the coming years..
As a part of CSR, CRI has adopted Corporation ward no.28, Saravanampatti and are working towards to make it a model ward (Swachh ward) under Swachh Bharath mission. The primary objective is to create a model Swachh ward by making it open defecation free, open dumping free and open littering free ward. Swachh Ward is a joint initiative in which we along with Coimbatore City Municipal Corporation, young social entrepreneurs, Community and Educational institutions are going to work together to create a model ward in the area of general sanitation and solid waste management and emulate the model for replication.
For open defecation free, we have extensively surveyed households and open defecation hot spots. Based on that, we have constructed 100 individual Swachh Bharath Mission toilets in the area of Saravanampatti.
To make the ward Open dumping and littering free, we have provided new segregation enabled push carts and have developed 10 primary root maps for this purpose. Through this the waste generated will be collected in three categories Unhygienic, dry waste and wet waste with the help of Coimbatore City Municipality Workers.
As a part of our Corporate Social Responsibility Activity, CRI has initiated a Digital classroom and a full-fledged Computer Centre in the name of “C.R.I SAROJINI CREATIVITY CENTRE” at the newly built C.R.I Sarojini Mandapam by Shri K.Gopal Memorial Trust at Thirukkanankudi village in Nagapattinam district of Tamilnadu.
The facility “C.R.I SAROJINI CREATIVITY CENTRE” was inaugurated by Shri.D.Balasundaram, Trustee – Shri K.Gopal Memorial Trust in the presence of Shri.C.Velumani, our Chairman on 15th July 2017 on the “ Education Development Day” declared by our State Govt.
The Full-fledged computer lab was inaugurated by our Chairman Shri.C.Velumani, in the presence of Shri.D.Balasundaram, dignitaries and local people.
ABOUT THIRUKANNANKUDI: Thirukannankudi is a small village located around 14 Kms from Nagapattinam on the national highway to Thiruvarur. It is famous for Damodara Narayana Perumal Temple & Sivan temple which is one of the 108 Divya Desam and is visited by Pilgrims all over Tamilnadu. This is an agricultural based village and most of them are agricultural labourer’s. The standard of living is poor and the livelihood nature gives them a meager income and most of them are vulnerable to social, health and economic issues.
We have identified many unmet needs of this village in terms of social, economic and educational aspects. To address the needs of these people, we have chalked out some right development initiatives and ensured that these initiatives in longer run becomes sustainable and reaches out to more number of people.
Please find below the list of developmental initiatives implemented in the first phase :
1.COMPUTER CENTER: “Thousands of students in rural India are deprived of the benefits of modern technology, simply because they cannot afford and access to it and also miss the benefits of computer education, which is a vital skill to shape their future. Taking this in to consideration, we have initiated a full-fledged FREE COMPUTER LAB at C.R.I Sarojini Mandapam with 14 computers with LED screens, required hardware & software accessories, computer table, chairs, LCD Projector, internet connectivity, round the clock power backup with UPS. We have also engaged a qualified computer instructor who shall impart computer skills to students based on the prescribed syllabus from 5th std to 8th std initially and later on, it will scaled up to other classes.
2. DIGITAL CLASSROOM: As a first step towards development, we have initiated DIGITAL CLASSROOM/ supplementary education (evening tuition) facility which will improve the academic performance of the students studying from 5th std to 8th std as all the students are studying in Govt Schools, supplementary education is highly vital for their development.
We have recruited highly qualified teachers who will impart quality education to these children through latest audio visual equipment’s. We also have provided steel desk & benches for students to sit, LCD Projector, teaching materials, adequate ventilation & lighting facility and all the students are provided with an educational kit consisting of notebooks, books, geometry box, water bottle & stationary items.
As a unique CSR initiative, C.R.I Pumps in association with Coimbatore City Municipal Corporation have developed a beautiful park in the reserve park site of Chandra Gandhi Nagar Peelamedu, Coimbatore. We have signed an MOU with Coimbatore City Municipal Corporation to develop and further maintain it through the Residents welfare association.
This park is exclusively designed for elders and we have taken adequate steps to address the special needs of elders. The park has been named “HARMONY PARK”.
Dr.K.Vijayakarthikeyan, I.A.S, Commissioner, Coimbatore City Municipal Corporation, inaugurated the “HARMONY PARK” on 25th September 2017 at 8.30 AM in the presence of Shri.C.Velumani, our Chairman, Shri.G.Selvaraj, our Joint Managing Director and Smt. Chithra Selvaraj, our Director in a function organized at the park.
Shri.G.Selvaraj, our Joint Managing Director, who spearheaded the development of this unique park, dedicated the “HARMONY PARK” for public use in the presence of Dr.K.Vijayakarthikeyan, I.A.S, Commissioner, our Chairman, Members of Chandra Gandhi Nagar Welfare association and public.
Dr.K.Vijayakarthikeyan, during his Chief Guest address lauded the efforts taken by C.R.I Management in various CSR activities like construction of Toilets under Swachh Bharath Mission, adoption of Corporation ward to emulate a model solid waste management system and development of Park in reserve sites of Corporation…During his address he told that he was very much impressed with the park design and conveyed his contentment that our management has taken steps to make it elder friendly..
BRIEF ON “ Harmony Park”:
This park is developed in 25.5 cents of land, we have constructed the compound wall and installed 2 gates one in the main and other at the backside. The entire park site was initially cleared and later on leveling of ground, gravel filling and paver block for walker’s path was laid.
Walkers path for people to go for a walk has been laid in the best possible way and it doesn’t have any steps from the entry to the exit…ramp has been provided from the road to pavered area…planned to provide SS Steel Rails along the walkers path to make elders walk safe and comfortable
- Walkers path is Wheel chair friendly
- Seating arrangements: Stone bench has been provided. These benches are comfortable for elders to sit and stand. These stone benches are made of 3 line dressing finish which will give a cool effect even during day time when people sit on it.
- We have provided trees near all the stone benches and these trees will provide sufficient shade once they grow up
- Lighting facility: Provided solar lighting in the park which will give sufficient light in the evening hours.
To make the park filled with greenery, 23 types of native saplings, flowering plants , various types of creeper plants and trees have been planted .